Enable exporting the activity log, including with filters

Would be great to be able to print or export the activity log to excel/word/pdf/csv etc, including any filters that you have added.

This is good for seeing all activities done on a specific day, to a specific group or by a specific person, and would help reverse any unwanted or incorrect actions.

in addition to this, is important to log ALL automation activities, like notifications (they are not registered).

TOTALLY ! It’s the feature I need the most right now !! :pray:

This is critical functionality for us. I need this asap!

This is still an issue, 3 years later. Has anyone else found a workaround for this?

Hello @amybrand , @hlopezvc, @maximepmdc , @mpm0rgan , @APSD ,
As I see it’s possible now. Is it something that you need?

May I ask what is you end goal when exporing the activity log? Do you build some reporting from it?