Hi Community,
I’m trying to create a new pulse, the query works fine but, if the item_name have a long text with spacebar it give me a 400 response or parse
I’m working with Java.
Request working:
String query = “{"query":"mutation{create_item(board_id: 88486632, group_id: topics, item_name: apiTest){id}}"}”
Request doesn’t work:
Try double quote text with scaped quotes
String query = “{"query":"mutation{create_item(board_id: 88486632, group_id: topics, item_name: "api Test"){id}}"}”
Error: 400 Bad Request
Try with simple quote without scape it:
String query = “{"query":"mutation{create_item(board_id: 88486632, group_id: topics, item_name: ‘api Test’){id}}"}”
Error : {“errors”:[{“message”:“Parse error on "'" (error) at [1, 71]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:71}]}],“account_id”:XXXXXXX}
Try with simple quote scaping it:
String query = “{"query":"mutation{create_item(board_id: 88486632, group_id: topics, item_name: 'api Test'){id}}"}”
Error: {“errors”:[{“message”:“Parse error on "'" (error) at [1, 71]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:71}]}],“account_id”:XXXXXXX}
I tryed some more examples but all with same responses 400 or parse error.
If anyone can help me with how i have to send the text on mutation.
Thank you Community