Farewell to the monday Community 👋

To the amazing monday.com community, farewell!

In some very bitter sweet news, today will be my last day at monday.com, which means it’s my last day helping support and manage the amazing community! It’s time for me to take on a new challenge and opportunity which I am certainly excited about, but of course very sad about leaving the community behind.

I have thoroughly enjoyed and valued every discussion and interaction I’ve had with all of you - an incredibly knowledgable, curious, and passionate community of people. Thank you for the challenging questions, the truly valued, important feedback, and the many amazing discussions. I wish each and everyone of you all the very best in your future endeavours!

There are some seriously incredible things in the works for the monday.com platform, so I hope your love, support and passion for it continues into the future :rocket:

Our community will ofcourse still be managed by the wonderful @Julietteb.
Please continue asking questions, answering questions, helping each other and engaging in discussion! We will still have members of the team monitoring so feel free to comment if you’re needing assistance. For any urgent matters, please tag @Julietteb who is here to help whilst we confirm who will be stepping into my place. Similarly, if there any outstanding questions or messages you’ve had with me, please share the correspondence with Juliette who will get the information to the relevant person.

That’s all from me! Thanks again and all the best :rocket: :wave:


Hello @BiancaT,
Sad to hear you go. Wishing you all the very best in your next endeavor :wave:

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I am so very disappointed to hear this but wish you every success in your next chapter. Thank you for everything you’ve done to make it it a better place.

WE WILL miss bianca so much and counting on all our active community members to keep up the amazing support and knowledge sharing. Especially while we find another community expert to rise and join our community team :slight_smile:

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: Its time to grow!!!

Thanks for all your help. Good luck in your next journey!

OMG ! Good Luck !

Farewell and good luck in your next adventure, Bianca!