Feature - Push Date Automation by XYZ Date removes HOUR From Date Column ... Help!

Hi @monday-team

I’m trying to automate a schedule and when I turned on the recipe to push a date column by a week. It moves the date fine but removes the time (which in our case is the most important piece). Are you aware of this? Is there another automation I should be choosing? Seems
to me common sense to KEEP the hour when you push the date X Dates, but it removes it, which throws off the entire premise of automating a schedule. HELP! !!

This is the date column + hour

When the Automation pushed the date 1 week it removes the hour. WHY?!

Have you found any work-around by any chance?
One year has passed and not only the “issue” (it’s more of an unclarified detail) persists but nobody answered… I’m kind of disappointed
My experience so far is quite bad and keeps getting worse.

EDIT: I think I may have found the solution. Go to the date column, click on the little arrow on the left of it’s name, then “Settings”, then “Customize Date Column” and finally enable “Always keep ‘add time’ option on”. I didn’t test it because I now use other automations to do what I had to but if you still need it let me know how it goes.

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I am experiencing the same issue as OP. The suggested fix does not solve the issue. Does anyone else have a work around for this problem?


You might try the Column Magic app recipe:

Jim - The Monday Man
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