Formula error using LEN

Having issues with a LEN formula, and I am stuck as to why it works but returns with an error if left blank. Is there another way to write this formula so if the field is blank it won’t error out?

ROUNDUP(IF(LEN({Trip Credit Recipient}) < 3, “N/A”, {Sale Price} / 2),0)

Sale price is divided by 2 to get the student his/her Trip Credit amount.

Thanks in advance.

Try this IF(LEN({Trip Credit Recipient}) = 0, “Not Needed”, IF(AND(LEN({Trip Credit Recipient}) > 0, LEN({Trip Credit Recipient}) < 3), “N/A”, {Sale Price} / 2))

Change Not Needed to whatever you’d like it to show if the trip recipient is blank

To be clear, I would rather not add a column, as I already have too many columns to indicate action as it is.

Desiree, thanks for chiming in, however, when I plugged that in it did not seem to work, and I am not sure how to trouble shoot it. Any thoughts?

Are your columns named exactly the same?

Hi @DeanZ,


IF(LEN({Tip Credit Recipient})<3,"N/A",ROUNDUP({Sale Price}/2,0))


What if we could break free of the Formula column? and write formulas that update any type of columns? What if a formula could update multiple columns at once? This is possible with the Advanced Formula Booster app.