You should be able to use the code below in PowerBI to get all columns and all items from a board even past the 500 item limit.
note: when connecting to the API, use anonymous and be sure to use the advanced editor when you are adding your blank power query.
Key = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0aWQiOjMzMDU2NjU1MywiYWFpIjoxMSwidWlkIjozMjIwODE0MSwiaWFkIjoiMjAyNC0wMy0wOFQxOTowNjo1Ni45OTdaIiwicGVyIjoibWU6d3JpdGUiLCJhY3RpZCI6NzgxNjIyNiwicmduIjoidXNlMSJ9.ClnbaoqfF_kWiBwUyX7KDOeyJ4j5GCQK8HWq70KP8so", // Replace with your Monday API key
Board = "6534102022", // Replace with your board ID
BaseUrl = "",
// Function to fetch items based on cursor
GetItems = (Cursor as nullable text) =>
Query = if Cursor = null then
"{""query"": ""query { boards(ids: " & Board & ") { items_page(limit: 500) { items { name, updated_at, group { title }, columns: column_values { column { title }, text, ...on DependencyValue { display_value }, ...on MirrorValue { display_value }, ...on BoardRelationValue { display_value } } } } } }""}"
"{""query"": ""query { next_items_page(cursor: """ & Cursor & """) { items { name, updated_at, group { title }, columns: column_values { column { title }, text, ...on DependencyValue { display_value }, ...on MirrorValue { display_value }, ...on BoardRelationValue { display_value } } } cursor } } }""}",
// Sending request to the API
Source = Web.Contents(BaseUrl, [
Headers = [
#"Method" = "POST",
#"Content-Type" = "application/json",
#"Authorization" = "Bearer " & Key,
#"API-Version" = "2024-01"
Content = Text.ToBinary(Query)
// Parsing the response
Response = Json.Document(Source),
Items = Response[data][boards]{0}[items_page][items],
NewCursor = try Response[data][boards]{0}[items_page][cursor] otherwise null,
// Returning items and cursor
Result = [Items = Items, Cursor = NewCursor]
// Initialize by getting the first 500 items
FirstBatch = GetItems(null),
InitialItems = FirstBatch[Items],
InitialCursor = FirstBatch[Cursor],
// Recursively fetching additional items if a cursor is present
GetAllItems = (cursor as nullable text, allItems as list) =>
// Get the next batch of items
NextBatch = GetItems(cursor),
NewItems = NextBatch[Items],
NewCursor = NextBatch[Cursor],
// Combine the new items with the existing ones
CombinedItems = List.Combine({allItems, NewItems}),
// If there is a new cursor, recurse; otherwise, return the combined items
AllItems = if NewCursor = null then CombinedItems else @GetAllItems(NewCursor, CombinedItems)
// Start the process with the initial cursor and an empty list
FinalItems = GetAllItems(InitialCursor, InitialItems),
// Convert the final list of items into a table
Data = Table.FromList(FinalItems, Record.FieldValues, {"Title", "UpdatedAt", "Group", "Columns"}),
// Expanding columns using your original transformation logic
#"ExpandedColumns" = Table.FromRecords(Table.TransformRows(Data, each
List.Accumulate([Columns], [
Title = [Title],
UpdateDate = [UpdatedAt],
Group = [Group][title]
], (state, current) => Record.AddField(
state, current[column][title],
if Record.HasFields(current, "display_value") then current[display_value] ?? current[text] else current[text]