Getting Type mismatch error in items_page query

I’ve just migrated my super simple query for getting items using the new API and I am getting a type error.

Originally I had the following query:
query ($board_id: [Int]) {
boards(ids: $board_id) { items { id name} }
And now I changed it to use the new 2023-10 API:
query ($board_id: [Int]) {
boards(ids: $board_id) {
items_page {
items {

But I am getting a type mismatch error and don’t know why. The error:

Type mismatch on variable $board_id and argument ids ([Int] / [ID!])', ‘locations’: [{‘line’: 2, ‘column’: 10}], ‘path’: [‘query’, ‘boards’, ‘ids’], ‘extensions’: {‘code’: ‘variableMismatch’, ‘variableName’: ‘board_id’, ‘typeName’: ‘[Int]’, ‘argumentName’: ‘ids’, ‘errorMessage’: ‘Type mismatch’}

When I tried this in the API playground it just worked fine, any idea what am I doing wrong?


hi @christian_hunter

Welcome to the community!

The answer is almost written down in the error :slight_smile:. You specified the wrong type [Int] where the API expects [ID!]

query ($board_id: [ID!]) {
  boards(ids: $board_id) {
    items_page {
      items {
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