How to automate items in a board when status of an item in another board changes

I’m wondering if there is a creative way to have items in a board update when the status of an item in another board changes. Basically I want the following scenario to occur:

  1. The status of a deal in my “deals” board changes to “won”
  2. The account associated with that deal automatically changes its status based on the action taken in another board
  3. The status change in the account board triggers an automation that moves the item to a new group in the board
    This seems like it might be going above and beyond’s abilities since there is technically no connection between the items in different boards. I’m wondering if there’s a third party integration to handle this if that is the case. Thanks!
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I would like to know how to do this too!

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Hi @msalinas, some automations support mirror columns, so this would be the best approach. As long as there is a connection between the boards in question, mirror the column to the board where you want the additional status change to happen, then use the following automation:


The first status in the automation recipe would be the mirrored column and the another status option is the local board column you would like to change.

Hope this helps!

Hi Michele,

You can do it with a 3rd-party app named the Advanced Formula Booster.

This app really reinvents formulas in monday. It does not use the formula column, rather it casts the results of the formula to the columns of your choice (you can update multiple columns in one formula).

I tried to reproduce the use case presented by @JayBee.
Here is a demo:

With the formula shown below and one automation, you can sync the statuses of the 2 items in separate board, based on the Account column and if the status is “Won”, it moves the Account to another group.

You only need one automation and one formula. Here is the automation:


Here is the formula called StatusSync.


The formula is run from the Deal board. So, as in the monday’s formula column, {Account} refers to the Account column of the deal that triggers the formula.
When you see the {} prefix, it refers to the columns of the Accounts board (the AFB gives you the possibility to link the formula to up to 2 other boards).

If you need any help setting up a similar formula, please let me know, or open a ticket in the In-App Ticket system.