IFERROR function not supported. Need Workaround

I have a formula that references a date column that I adjust to obtain the fiscal year without commas (see below). However, when there is no date, I’m unable to use IFERROR or an IF function to return a blank cell when the date column is empty. When hovering over the error cells (with ! inside a triangle), I see “One of the parameters is invalid”. Does anyone have a workaround?

Current Formula:

		IF(MONTH({date}) >= 8,  
			YEAR({date}) + 1, 

As mentioned, I’ve tried using IFERROR too, but it appears to be unsupported. I’ve also tried ISBLANK and other options, but I am never able to get rid of the error.


Hi Matthew,


	IF(MONTH(IF({Date}="","2001-01-01",{Date})) >= 8,  
		YEAR(IF({Date}="","2001-01-01",{Date})) + 1, 

2001-01-01 is an arbitrary date. It could be anything. Monday uses the eager approach to IF statements, so you need to provide a date (any date) to avoid errors when the date is empty. If you want to know more on what is an eager approach, see A Simple Way to Handle Empty Columns and Avoid Errors in your Formulas.


Want to take your formulas to the next level? Try the Advanced Formula Booster, the app that reinvents formulas in monday.

  • Create formulas without using the Formula column (and avoid its limitations)
  • Build formulas involving data from the previous item, the next item, the sub-items, the parent item, even items in the same group or the same board.
  • In one formula, update multiple columns from multiple items.

Check our blog for real use cases.


Thank you very much! That works perfectly and helps me understand why Monday has trouble with my original formula. I also just discovered that the formula below gives the same result with a different approach. Merci!


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I’m glad you solved it… But the “iferror” issue is broader than that… I often get a “!” when I use “if” statements when one of the cells are empty… But in that case I need the comparison with the empty cell. I simply stop trying.

Best regards,