We are trying to develop a board design for tracking our litigation practice. I have developed a board to list all cases, and within those cases, all deadlines, tasks, appointments, appearances, etc. The Board Name is Cases; at the Group level, the cases are under “Case List”; at an Item level I have each of the cases (just a small sampling now for experimentation); and at a Subitem level, I have each task and appointment (to use Outlook terminology). In the DESKTOP app, using the Calendar View, all of these show up on the correct date, with information as to which Case they relate to. NONE of them are visible on the Calendar View. In contrast, my paralegal took a different approach to board design, and each Case is at a Board Level, there is a Group for Tasks and a Group for Appointments; and each type of task and appointment are therefore Items within those Groups. On both of our phones, we DO see the related task or appt, but no data as to which case it applies to. So, the questions this raises are, on the Mobile App, does Calendar view simply not dig down to subitems? A related question: when we look at the calendar for a Case on my paralegal’s version, we get a message “Loading Dashboard” for a second or two before it shows the detail. Why is that?
Hey Kurt,
At this time I can confirm that subitems are not supported in the calendar view from the mobile app - I apologise for the setback here! I will be sharing this feedback with our team internally and will update you on any developments moving forward.
As for the “loading dashboard” message, this is simply a pop-up to indicate that the platform is loading the board view. If you encounter excessive delays or wait times, please let me know