Monday.code services from local machine


How do I make use of monday-code services when I am developing locally?

Python for example?

mcode_configuration = monday_code.Configuration(host=“http://localhost:59999”)

What do I replace http://localhost:59999 with?? What does a configuration look like?

There appears to be no documentation to explain how this would work or even its possible.

How can I make use of monday code wrapping monday.code resources such as /secrets /secure-storage/{key} /queue etc…?

If its not possible, it would be very difficult to develop/debug etc by pushing to the monday.code hosting location… when I say difficult, virtually impossible.


See this repo: GitHub - mondaycom/apps-sdk-local-server: A local server for the apps-sdk package

It provides the docker image that would run at the https://localhost:59999

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Exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks very much

Actually I spoke too soon.

Will not work on an arm based O/S (mac).
Can you provide the source for this or a multi arch docker image?


So… I created a very simple Dockerfile…

FROM node:21-alpine3.19
COPY yarn.lock package.json ./
RUN yarn install

COPY . .

EXPOSE 59999

CMD [“yarn”, “dev” ]

Working on Mac ARM.

If anyone wants it.

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I don’t work for monday, so I just pointed you toward it.

I don’t actually use monday code (too many limitations that don’t work for me)