I’ve got some questions regarding moday storage using the the python SDK.
The storage seems to not have a search/filter option, this makes it only useful for simple use, unless I build a layer which would handle each key as a collection and would manage the filtering, but then the whole collection is in the memory.
Is there a best practice or another way of getting items by values?
Is it possible to set the configuration to connect to monday storage from a local Dev environment? I’ve tried using my developer token and changing the URL to the hosted version but was still unauthorised.
Does the storage have a concurrency or connection limit?
Just to clarify, Is the application data shared between all users on the account?
As of today, what you see here is what is available for the storage. You do need the key in order to get the value.
If you are using monday-code, you can use this. Please try using an app token (shortLivedToken or OAuth token)
Basically: Key length limit: 256 characters. Storage limit per key: 6MB. No concurrency or connection limit (but if you are thinking of a specific scenario, please let me know)
Hi Matias,
Thank you for your response.
Regarding question 4, the question is referring to data stored in the Storage service using a users const token, can that data be accessed by other users on on the account?
Regarding the SDK’s storage (as shown here), the storage is per instance (for example each board view) or global. In both cases, using the SDK in your view with different users from the same account using your app, they can all access the key-value pairs.