Native "Map" View on Mobile APP (Android) currently not working!

  • On the Mobile APP (Android) the regular “Map” View is not working, it shows only grey, no pins, no back drop of the city map (streets etc, buildings etc…). Only the “Map as a widget” is working.

  • On Android the “Map as widget” view, is far Inferior to the regular “map” view:

  1. clicking on the button of the preview of a pin does not open the full item view
  2. you can not filter the pins
  3. you can hardly read the information of the preview of a pin, when clicked
  4. map loads very slower
    (My team experiences the same problem. The support member, I contacted, has experienced the same behavior of the moblie app. When I last tested the map view on android a coupple of weeks ago “Map” View was working fine. → So the problem has nothing to do with my setup, it is a problem with the app)
  • Any one else here has the same experienced and maybe has reported the issue already?
  • How can I make a bug report, so that the bug is fixed soon?
    (Proper Map funktionality on android is the deciding factor for my field service bussiness. If this cant be fixed, I have to fast switch to another software like airtable/softr. Have no time to wait)
    THERFORE, I need to know:
    A) if the development team is recognizing the "the not functioning of the regular “Map” View on the “mobile APP” as a SERIOUS bugg?
    B) Till when they are planing to have that bugg fixed?
    C) Or if they have decided that the regular “Map” View is not worth maintaining and will phase out?
  • How can I get above information?
    Thank You