We do send out a biweekly product updates newsletter that you should be automatically subscribed to.
We did make an internal decision to pause our new feature webinars for Q2 as we focused more on platform quality and performance.
We will resume the monthly webinars when the timing is more appropriate
We are working on some exciting new updates in the community forum and are planning to make more announcements about new features as soon as we have them so do stay tuned!
I hope this helps! Remember to mark as solved if this answers your question
Hi @Dani how are you, thanks for the response. Its good to hear some information to clear any doubts.
I hope in this time of pause that you guys may took the time to take a look to all the most voted features or topics that we monday users post frequently seeking for updates, examples:
Allow ITEM VIEW PERMISSIONS on PRO accounts too.
Timetracking column improvements.
AutoID native column.
Formulas combinated with automations native solution.
Full mobile app compatibility and optimized performance on Android smartphones.
Full subitems compatibility with all items normal functions.
An improved Email integrations to create a better CRM boards for all companies, including attaching files from monday file columns to send emails or to store in a file column the data in the emails received). A way to receive a response in the pulse that contains the information, and not to replicate the response in all the items that have the same email contact. A multi-contact improved email column.
KANBAN widget for dashboards.
WORKLOAD an another widgets working with items and/or subitems.
Allow that all admins can admin ALL boards.
External casting of dashboards.
Allow guest to be part of TEAMS and ORGANIZATIONS charts as collaborators.
Allow coloring / sorting and filtering etc in the MAIN VIEW, not only views.
Hi @Dani I also miss the new features webinars. I found them very helpful, and much more engaging than trying to wade through a bunch of text about updates/new features. I often immediately starting using the information I gained in the new feature webinars, and haven’t used any new features since they ceased for Australia.
@Dani besides all things said, i have received the last biweekly features bulletin, if if you take a closer look to the content, you will find repeated and similar mini.features along the bulletins, and as i can see they are more some tips for using existing features that new features.
Bottom line: there are no new big improvements or features, maybe in line with what @Dani was saying, that they are focusing on another areas.