New York Core certification

Exciting news! The certification workshops are coming to London, New York, and Sydney! and our community gets a special discount!

These workshops are specifically designed to upskill champions and power users, led by our top-notch experts. :rocket: It’s an incredible opportunity for a deep-dive learning experience that will elevate user proficiency with our platform. :mortar_board: The exclusive package includes in-person training at our monday offices, alongside the online work management core certification. It’s a power-packed combo to enhance monday skills!

Join us for our core work management workshop

Price: $500
Locations: monday office’s in London, NY and Sydney
London: 20.2
New York: 27.2
Sydney: 19.3 & 20.32.

Special discount for monday community - 20% until February 8th with the coupon code: communityworkshop20

Is there another one planned after this?

I got a receipt showing I padi for this certification workshop, but I was never sent any logisitcs or information about the course material. When will that be sent?

Hi @kyledeleon,

How are you?! Im sorry for just seeing this now. Has this been resolved? Where you able to be int ouch with the certification team about the payment?

Hi Jennifer! Yes there are a few more planned! including one in NYC on May 6th!

Hi Juliette - I was able to get the Denver event in May booked, looking forward to it!