Open Boards in new tab with CTRL + B Quick Search function & scroll wheel middle click

Until very recently I commonly used the Quick Search function (CTRL + B) to open boards in new tabs, as I find it to be the simplest way to navigate the many boards my team has in place. Now I cannot use the mouse scroll wheel middle click to do this, it only lets me open the board in the current tab.
I would love to be able to use this on the navigation side-panel as well, instead of right-clicking and then choosing “open in new tab”, but it was much more useful in the Quick Search function for me, until it stopped working.
I don’t understand why this functionality was in place and then removed, please bring it back!

Same here. I always used the Quick Search function to open boards in new tabs. The quickest way to navigate through all our boards… Now the Quick Search is nearly obsolete for me. Please do something about it.

I was also frustrated by this sudden change as I’m used to middle clicking for new tab in search (and the rest of the web). When looking for answers I re-read the Quick Search feature page. There’s a tiny bit at text at the bottom that says "Quick Search links can be opened in a new tab by clicking on the name, while holding the ⌘ Command/Windows key. No need to duplicate tabs! " So I guess that’s my workaround for now, but I agree we need middle click back.