Pie Chart Column Title

Can we please have the option to remove the column from which the pie chart is generated.


It is so ugly.

@Adurm I agree… This is possible in dashboards, but not on the board view column

You can remove and customize all labels of charts in ChartExpo™.

www.youtube .com/watch?v=afex6IvNGQI

In above video you can watch how to create and customize labels of charts in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.

Thanks ShozabMukhtar.

I couldn’t have imagined someone would post with a less relevant suggestion.

Yes - echoing this. I would also like the option to label the X and Y axis on charts. The default is not always the most informative/accurate. For example the Y axis might say “Count” but I would like it to be more specific. And if the Y axis is indicating two different counts (say number of items and resolution time in hours, I would like to be able to indicate this without having to download/crop out and overwrite the axises.