Pie/donut chart legend options (and avoid overlap)

The chart automatically resizes and adjusts based on screen size, but when shrinking widgets down for donut and pie charts - even on my largest screen - the legend overlaps the chart. At best, this is annoying and unpolished. At worst, one of the legend’s colors overlaps the same color on the chart, rendering it useless.

There should be a way to avoid the legend overlapping the chart - whether that is coded in automatically or there are options to reposition the legend based on the size/placement of the widget and the type of chart being used.

In general, I would want more options for legends anyway. The power of monday.com is in it’s app-like ease-of-use. The downfall is that Excel still beats it every time in terms of customization.

There is also an issue where the legend truncates the text even when there is white space available within the widget. This leads to needing an extra wide widget to show the full text of the legend and limiting the number of widgets in a row to 1 or 2. There is no way to show 3 widgets in a single row with this limitation.

In monday.com, chart legends often overlap the chart itself, especially on smaller screens, making them unreadable. This issue is particularly noticeable in donut and pie charts. While monday.com excels in ease of use, it lacks the chart customization options available in Excel, such as flexible legend placement.

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