when updating an item that has been deleted, prompt to refresh

From time to time a board will get out of sync in the browser and you can still see items that have been deleted, especially subitems. If you edit them, it should display an error instead of acting as though you edited the item and everything is fine.

When this happens it should also prompt you to refresh the board.

This is happening when deleting subitems from APIs as well, the deleted items are still showing in board view @Matias.Monday is this a bug? Is there a way to force UI data refresh from APIs?

Yes this seems to be the root cause, API changes to subitems (but not necessarily automations) seem to not get pushed through to the visible board consistently, been a long standing issue since at least 2021. The issue I’ve seen have been in this context (API deletions)

This results in people working with subitems that don’t exist visibly.

I’m proposing attacking this issue from both sides - fix the issue where deletions don’t show in the browser until a refresh, but also detect this situation and update the UI accordingly. I know the updates get pushed via board subscriptions to the browser, so if the subscription becomes stale, the updates won’t appear. I’d also suggest when a change to the backend encounters this situation, it also trigger a check of the subscription on the so new changes start appearing.