Quick suggestion: It would be great if the Name column had a customizable label the same way all other column labels can be modified.
Example Use Case:
When a user adds an item for a new employee, I want the name entered in a specific format. For example “Last name, First name”. That format requirement could be self documented if I could set the Name column label to something like “Enter employee name with format ‘Last name, First name’”.
Considering that item names always appear in the Connected Board columns, we need to be very explicit to the user about what should appear in the item name.
Thus, the ability to give item name a meaningful name and, preferably, description would be very useful.
Whilst there is the feature change the terminology there should also be the option to add a description. It is the same as the other fields and in some cases does need for us to put a description against the field. When will this be available?