API Mutation Item link column

Hi All!

Been searching for an answer to this one for quite a while and even thought I found something, it doesn’t look it’s working for me!

I’m trying to use the API to interact with the “Item link column” for each item. Basically, I want to add and remove related items.

So I found this: https://monday.com/developers/v2#column-values-section-itemlink
which has the following example:
“item_ids”: [
JSON string - use this in the GraphiQL editor:


However, when I try to do the same thing in the API Playground I keep getting this message:
“error_code”: “CorrectedValueException”,
“status_code”: 200,
“error_message”: “column type DependencyColumn is not supporting changing the column value with simple column value, please check our API documentation for the correct data structure for this column. https://monday.com/developers/v2#column-values-section”,
“error_data”: {
“column_value”: “{"item_ids":[856732638]}”,
“column_type”: “dependency”

For reference this is the mutation body I am using:
mutation {
change_simple_column_value (
board_id: 856729789,
item_id: 856764140,
column_id: “dependent_on”,
value: “{"item_ids":[856732638]}”)

Can any help?! :slight_smile: Has anyone else come across this?

Many thanks,



I realised that I was using the wrong mutation method so I changed “change_simple_column_value” to “change_column_value”

However, I’m now getting the following:
“error_code”: “ColumnValueException”,
“status_code”: 200,
“error_message”: “This column type is not supported yet in the api”,
“error_data”: {
“column_type”: “DependencyColumn”

I thought reading this article ([Released] Link to Item Column Update - #31 by dipro) that this feature is now available. I’m really confused, can anyone help?

Hey Angelo!

At the moment updating the dependency column is not supported by the API. It’s not the same as an item link column, contrary to popular belief.

BTW: I know we spoke about this recently, but wanted to close the loop here in case anyone else is wondering :slight_smile:

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