Board item count in a separate board


I want to find a way to count board items every day on a specific hour and then write the count number in another board.

Basically, the main situation is that we are keeping a track of tickets that were filled out to our department. We track them as items in a dedicated board. I report the total amount of the backlog every day in our dashboard, however I would like to automatically write these numbers in a separate board everyday, so I could see the situation over time, whether some changes made the numbers increase or decline.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could achieve that?


I do this exact thing to ensure my clients dont exceed board limits.

Monday doesnt allow you to easily count the number of items and push the value somewhere. But there’s an easy work around.

You can use this free integration tool, that connects with monday, that will let you count the number of board items on a board, and output to a board item, or any where you like.

I hope this helps.

