Can't change item email - keep receiving Internal server error


I try to use API v2 console with this request:

mutation {
change_column_value (
board_id: 493115024,
item_id: 496948433,
column_id: “email”,
value: “{\"email\":\"\",\"text\":\"\"}”) {

The board exists and item exists - I used this query before:

query {
items_by_column_values (board_id: 493115024, column_id: “email”, column_value: “”) {
received response:

“data”: {
“items_by_column_values”: [
“id”: “496948433”
“account_id”: 5856938

So when I attempt to change the email value, I keep receiving internal server error 500.

I researched the forum and tried many things. But any complex value requiring {} substructure returns me the error 500.

What’s going on?

Hi @sternet :wave:

Based on your message above, I see a couple possible culprits.

The first being that this direct copy-paste of your code includes beginning quotations and end quotations - “” - which will cause problems.’s API is expecting a more generic quotation - "

I’ve replaced the quotations and tested that API call, and it works as expected:

mutation {
change_column_value (board_id: 493115024, item_id: 496948433, column_id: "email" value: "{\"email\":\"\",\"text\":\"\"}") {

Additionally, in your screenshot I can see that you’re using an email address of which will also cause problems. the API is instead expecting the typical email format of :slight_smile:


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