Conditional Color Certain "Cells" with Updates

My goal is to implement a way to highlight/color any column for any items that had any sort of change at the end of each day so higher stakeholders can see changes at a glance on a high level status board.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t possible with the innate conditional coloring function, but does anyone have any ideas/solutions to execute this? I’m open to using free, third party apps such as make if necessary as long as the free plan fits my use (1 run a day)

Hey Desmond!

While this isn’t necessarily achieving the visual overview you’re looking for, perhaps higher stakeholders could utilize the boards’ Activity Log sections to see these types of changes?

Alternatively, you could add “Last Updated” columns to all your boards and then create a Dashboard where you pull all the boards into a Table Widget and apply a filter to the widget to see the “Last Updated” column for that day. This would continuously be updated to show the current date.

Here’s a screenshot of that filter being applied to a Table Widget in my own Dashboard:

Let me know what you think of these ideas! :blush:

Hi Charlotte,

Appreciate the solution given and normally I think this would work in practice, but I would prefer to have it all items visible on the board without needing to jump to a different board/dashboard.