Converting a Group to a Board


Is it possible to convert a group to a board?

For instance once a group has been approved it becomes a project and needs to be a board.

Thank you

hi @Roxsie

Welcome to the community. Yes you can do that through the group menu, see

Is that what you are looking for?

Hi, I don’t want to move it to another board. I want to turn it into a board

Thank you

Each board has always at the minimum one group. Items are always listed unde a group, never directly at the board level. So it will take two actions: create a board and move the items. Or alternativly duplicate the board and remove the other groups from the duplicated board.

And then manually turn the subitems into groups?

ohh ok, didn’t know subitems were involved. Can you explain in a little more detail?

Hi @Roxsie
While converting a group to a board isn’t possible, what you can do is utilize the automation entitled “When a status changes to something, create a new board and notify someone”. This will enable you to trigger the creation of a new board (either a blank one, or a board off of an existing template) based on the selection of a specific status label.

When configuring this automation recipe, you can use the ‘new board’ portion of the recipe to name the board based on the group that the item is in.

While this won’t move all of the items in the group to the new board or ‘promote’ the items to groups, you can move the group to the new board as @basdebruin suggested. I hope this is helpful!

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