Create new board with no sub tasks

Is it possible to create a board that does not allow sub tasks to be created?.
I want a straight forward list of tasks with no sub tasks.
Thanking all in advance.

Hi @MaeveAug ,

I found a similar thread to your question here

It seems like there is not a board permission that can be applied for this (which would be a great feature request), but the last comment suggested creating an automation that says “When a subitem is created, then delete item” which is a creative work around that might also work for you.

Hi Kayla,
That was quite interesting if I could use automation, I am new to this but also from what I see is one would have to do this with each task and with well over 100 tasks per board, that would very time consuming. Do you think it would be worth asking the developers to consider this option? and how would I go about it? For my team I want to see all tasks and have nothing hidden, thus, avoiding any missing tasks. Sometimes, the simpler a system is, the more efficient it can become.
Thank you so much Kayla for your response, it is very much appreciated, I would buy you a coffee if I could, maybe a virtual as a ‘Thank You’. :coffee: