Ever wonder how to send requests to our API using cURL? Here you go
A few notes:
- Executing cURL from the terminal removes backslashes and passes the escaped characters in the resulting string. As a result, if you want to pass \" to the server you need to include \\\". I ran these examples from the command line on my MacOS machine.
- Some Windows terminals donât like single quotes, so you may need to replace them with " if youâre running these examples on a windows machine.
If youâre looking for more code examples, check out our quickstart tutorials.
Getting the ID of an item with a specific name:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"{items_by_column_values(board_id:162169280, column_id:\"name\", column_value:\"This\"){id name}}"}'
Updating a text column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id: \"text\", value:\"\\\"Hello world\\\"\"){name}}"}'
Updating a status column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id:\"status\", value:\"{\\\"label\\\" : \\\"Done\\\"}\"){name}}"}'
Updating a date column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id:\"date\", value:\"{\\\"date\\\" : \\\"2019-08-27\\\"}\"){name}}"}'
Updating a person column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id:\"person\", value:\"{\\\"id\\\" : 4012689}\"){name}}"}'
Updating a people column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query" : "mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id: \"people\", value:\"{\\\"personsAndTeams\\\":[{\\\"id\\\":4012689,\\\"kind\\\":\\\"person\\\"}]}\"){name}}"}'
Updating a link column on a board:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_column_value(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_id: \"link\", value:\"{\\\"url\\\" : \\\"http://www.monday.com\\\", \\\"text\\\": \\\"Hello\\\"}\"){name}}"}'
Updating a date, status & text column in the same request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:XXXXXX" 'https://api.monday.com/v2' \
-d '{"query":"mutation{change_multiple_column_values(item_id:279187304, board_id:162169280, column_values:\"{\\\"status\\\" : {\\\"label\\\" : \\\"Done\\\"}, \\\"text\\\":\\\"Hello world\\\", \\\"date\\\" : {\\\"date\\\" : \\\"2019-08-27\\\"}}\"){name}}"}'
Enjoy, and happy coding