Custom Automation: Subitem updates -> Slack Channel

I found this forum post recently when searching for how to send notifications to Slack on subitem updates:

I can reproduce this state but when I try to select a channel, the UI tells me to connect Slack to get a channels list:

I’ve already connected Slack though? I have high-level task notifications working just fine in fact:

Is there some way I need to connect Slack that I haven’t yet?

Thanks in advance!

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Alight I answered my own question:

  1. Click on “notify” link that is greyed out
  2. Click the Slack integration
  3. Accounts show up in “Channel” link
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@dyerrington yep, you got it! :slight_smile: :+1:

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Would you know how to get the “subitem” name or status to appear in the notification text? Seems like it only allows the parent item column features.

@dyerrington I actually don’t think it’s possible to use the subitem name in the notification…I know you can base a notification off of like a subitem status, for example, but I don’t think it’s possible to include subitem fields in the notification.

@BiancaT I believe you’re with, is there any way you can confirm this?


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Hey @tanner_elevate and @dyerrington :slight_smile: I am afraid Tanner is correct here - currently subitem values (i.e. the name and associated columns) are not supported in the notification message when using the slack integration. My apologies for the setback! That said, I’ll raise this with our developers and circle back here once I get a response :pray:

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Appreciate the help. I guess I could consider moving everything to groups but this seemed like the most obvious way to configure my projects and Slack.

I know you’ve spelled out the feature pretty well, but as a practical example of what this looks like:

It would be super cool to get this feature integrated! This would be an easy decision to move other clients over if we could have this feature :wink:


Thank you! I appreciate your help! :pray:

Hi there, I’d like to add that the inability to receive updates in Slack for subitems is extremely limiting for us. We cant follow David’s suggestion of moving everything to groups and rely on subitems for integral tasks in a project but unless everyone is tagged in each update (which is unlikely as we rely on external updates) we can easily miss key updates on projects.

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Any update here? As @carolinefrobinson pointed out, it seems pretty thought-less that you wouldn’t be able to get a sub-item name from an automation triggered by a sub-item update.

Checking on this for you Sam! Will circle back once I get some answers :+1:

Update from the team: At this time, we do not have concrete plans to include those subitem values in the slack integration. I do apologise again as I understand this isn’t the news you’d all hoped for! I have made the team aware of the demand for it and will continue advocating for its development :pray:

Please Bianca, we are also interested in this automation


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I’m interested in this too. Our company has migrated to but only realized that this is an issue when we added all our subitem task in. Please help!

We’ve recently launched an improved Slack<>monday integration app called Slack IntegratePlus for into the marketplace. We already support notifications on the creation of subitems and will soon be supporting notifications for subitem edits and updates.

Our notifications are unique in that they allow for editing directly from Slack. You can assign, change the status, add an update or move your items or subitems from within a Slack channel.

For us, this is just the beginning. We want to work with companies to tailor the best Slack <> integration app possible. We’d really appreciate if you could share feedback on our app with our team at or through our app feedback form. :raised_hands:

To better understand how our app adds additional value over the existing native Slack integration, check out a one-pager we’ve attached below.

why this feature is not added on as it is very much crucial features.
Please consider this very quickly.

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To answer @dyerrington 's question. This is possible using zzBots “On New or Updated Subitem” and “New Message” steps. zzBots can monitor for a change to a specific field such as “Status” and then send a message with the data such as the which status it changed to.

I put together a Bot Pack that does just that. You will need to edit the bot and specify which fields to trigger on and the message being sent in Slack after the bot install.

Here is a link:

@BiancaT , I hope all is going well for you. I’m just following up on this thread to see if this development work has been completed on the Monday side? My company would like to use this notification through Slack, but I’m unable to specify the subitem status or subitem name.