Custome formula to check if Timeline column is blank

Looking for how to validate if a timeline field has had a value entered into it for use in a custom formula column.

I have tried taking the variables and doing something like this

{DatesScheduled#Start} != “”

But this is causing an error with the formula. have tried replacing the “” with blank, null, none, ‘’ etc and all the standard go to’s

Any pointers on what would be the statement, just needing to set a value when this column has not yet been entered


“!=” is not a valid comparator in monday formulas. You can use the NOT() function like this

NOT({DatesScheduled#Start} = "")

Or just use the “false” portion of the IF function like this:

IF({DatesScheduled#Start} = "", "Empty", "Ok")

Jim - Subscribe to The Monday Man
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I don’t know where my brain was when I answered this…

Everything I wrote was technically correct. But… the correct “not equal” comparator operator in monday is “<>”. :grin:

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<> actually doesn’t work. the “<” is blue likes it’s working for the formula and the “>” is white and actually makes the formula a less than formula.


LOL, Thanks for the input. But, you might want to test your theory.

@JCorrell I have several times, that’s why I commented. See for yourself below,



Getting same error, when using the “<>” in connection with IF statements.


The “error” that you and Seth are referring to is only an error in how the comparison operator is being displayed. It does not change the function of the operation.

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

Good call Jim - so essentially, the same as Excel :slight_smile:

Monday doesn’t seem to support the <> operator but a workaround that worked for me.