I’ve a board with details of companies (Cie’s board), I linked it with the contact’s board which contains details of all the contact of Companies. It works well, for each contact that I create, I can call the company through the list in the connect boards column.
The problem I’ve to fix in the following :
I’ve to import around 5000 contacts with the function “import contact”, all fields can be maped except the column Cie which should be maped with a connect boards column.
How can I force Monday to import this column ?
This would allow you to set up a logic that would automatically connect the items when you create a new item on the board.
You could also look at using our API instead!
You can read more about the API here: monday.com GraphQL API
And you can find specific info for the Connect column here: Connect Boards
I hope the answers in this thread are useful!
As we haven’t had any updates here, I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as solved.
This means that the thread will close in 7 days time
If you have any additional questions or you feel your original query wasn’t resolved, please feel free to let us know and we’ll be happy to continue to assist!