Deleting multiple Groups, or 1-group only Board Duplication option

I sometimes have to duplicate a board that has lots of groups in it (e.g. a group for each week of the year), but duplicating a board the barest option available is “Structure Only,” where “Structure” includes all the columns and all the groups. So then I have to delete all the groups… one-by-one.

Is there either a way to delete multiple groups all at once? Alternatively, could there be added a board duplication option that would be “Column Structure Only” or “1 Group”?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Select multiple boards to bulk delete

Hi everyone - we appreciate your input here. We hear you and recognise there’s demand for this feature. To increase the potential for development, let’s get these votes up! As such we will be merging this topic into this existing feature request - Select multiple boards to bulk delete - so that the votes can be combined! All votes and comments will be transferred during the merge. If you did not cast a vote on this topic, please add your vote to the active thread above. Your opinion matters to us!

This would be really helpful.

Hi @b12x12,

if you still need to delete bulk of groups, you can use our application called Groups manager : Apps Marketplace
I hope it answers your need.


We just dropped an update of Groups Manager that will give you the info about empty groups (groups without any item) and bulk actions to archive/delete these.

Give it a try here :