Relatively new to Our nonprofit is using the Donor Management CRM and I need to calculate the “member expiration date” to be +365 days from the latest donation.
In the donor board we have donations all imported and in the members board they are linked. What I can’t figure out is how to find the latest donation date {Donations} mirrored column and create a formula column to be +365 days from that. When I try Max(datevalue({Donations})) I get 0.
The goal is when I import new donations from Zeffy to the donations board, I want the expiration date in the members board to auto-advance. Not sure if I need to do that with an automation (can’t figure that out either - triggering an automation from a mirrored column?).
I’d recommend doing the automation on the donation board, have a column for donation date and then a column that is that date +365. Then using connected/mirror columns, you can pull that ‘date+365’ column to your donor board. Make sure in your mirror settings that you change the date to ‘latest’ instead of the range
so in that column in the Donors board, I see the correct expiration date only for donors with a single donation. Those with multiple donations show up as 0, and when I click on the 0 it shows the multiple donations, also as 0).
Unfortunately it seems that the formula column isn’t working like I thought with the mirror. Do you have AI turned on in your account? If so you could use a second date column on the donation board that uses AI to add the 365 days and then mirror that date onto the donor board.
I’m not entirely sure how I did it, but I was able to get a mirror column from the Donations board to show up in the Membership board and pick the “latest” donation date. I was then able to do a formula to ADD_DAYS({mirrored column},365) which did the trick.
Now if I could only get the donations to flow in automatically from Zeffy via Zapier I could hand this off to our volunteers to manage! As it is now I still need to manually export from Zeffy, do some tweaking in XLS, then import to Monday