Error: No Query String Present

My mutation works in the Monday graphql playground, but I am receiving a no query string present error when I integrate it into my python code. What am I doing wrong?

payload = “{“query” : “mutation { change_column_value( board_id: INSERT_BOARD_ID, item_id: %s, column_id: “INSERT_COLUMN_NAME”, value:”%s”) {id}}"}"%(item_id, value)
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)

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Same here, I too see the same issue when I tried on postman.

Hi @raghu4oth! Happy to see if I can assist here. I was not able to reproduce this on Postman. Could you send over a screenshot of your body tab so I can take a look at how you passed the query request? I used the graphQL tab without any issues. Look forward to hearing from you! Cheers!

Thank you, @thejoshbjones !
That solved my issue as well :pray:

I’m having this same issue and I’m not seeing the solution from @thejoshbjones in the discussion. Can you repost if you remember what it was?