I am very interested in getting this for my company , But is there any way i can use the item to pdf function and incorporate a picture , so that i can print a jobcard With a picture included . Or maybe a option for us to setup and choose the layout and items to be incorporated into the pdf.
You can use the app DocExport PDF Generator to create jobcards (incl. picture) in your own design with information from a single item and place it in a file column.
You can even use your current jobcard and insert placeholders where you want to populate information from your item.
In your case, you would create a docx file as template and use placeholders from your board like {{Item.Name}}, {{Item.Status}}, {{Item.Date Required}}, {{Item.No. of Items}}, {{Item.Total Cost}} and so on. This docx file would then be the template for the PDF creation.
Here’s a quick video tutorial of how to set it up: