Feature Suggestion: One-Time Editable Fields with Admin Control

Hi, community! :blush:

I’ve been thinking about a new feature for Monday that could be really useful in certain workflows. The idea is to configure specific fields on a board so that once a user edits them, they can’t be changed again without admin approval.

:lock: How it would work:

  • The admin could set certain fields as restricted.
  • Once the user makes an edit, the field becomes locked.
  • Only the admin or someone with permission would be able to unlock or edit the field again.


  • Provides greater control over important information.
  • Prevents unauthorized changes after the initial update of certain fields.
  • Helps maintain the integrity of critical data within the project.

What do you think? Would this be useful for your boards? I’d love to hear feedback from the community and see if others are interested in this feature! :bulb:

Klarc Almeida