Hello! I’m hoping someone can help me out with this formula I’m trying to create.
I have two columns that are labeled Date Opened and Complete Date. I’m using this formula to produce the number of days it’s been getting worked on.
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 30, “0-30 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 60, “31-60 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 90, “61-90 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 120, “91-120 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 150, “121-150 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 180, “151-180 days”,
IF(DAYS(TODAY(), {Date Opened}) <= 210, “181-210 days”, “210+ days”)))))))
This formula, however, does not recognize the completed items. It will assume that the completed items are still being worked on. How can I make the formula recognize that if it is complete it needs to calculate between date opened and complete date. Or how do I make the formula recognize that if there is a complete date, it needs to calculate between those two dates.
Thank you!