Gantt Doesn't Show SubItems that Are Dependent on Other Items but don't yet have a date

I have an Item with various subitems. For example:

  • SubItem A has start and end date (or is a milestone with a single date)
  • Subitem B depends on Subitem A. It will only start after SubItem A is completed. but
  • Subitem B however does not yet have any dates defined. Subitem A might delay, for example. Or Subitme might last 2 or 3 days. We don’t know yet.
  • Same for subitems C, D and E.

On the Gantt chart, Subitems B, C, D, E do not appear. Of course: they don’t yet have a date that can be used. But wait a second: all of them are dependent on A, and that is set. So why can’t they simply be indicated in the Gantt after A? Better than completely hiding them.

Alternatively, I can manually enter a start date (or milestone) for B, C, D and E using the same end date of A. Fine, now they show up on the Gantt. But wait: the dates for A have changed. B, C, D and E don’t reflect that, so I have to go change those dates manually now.

Now imagine if there are many subitems and dependencies. This can become awkward.

If a subitem is dependent on another item, but doesn’t have it’s own date yet, can’t it just use the other item’s end date?

I understand this can be complicated, since the Dates column is a manual entry, and what I’m asking is if it can be automated if it has a dependency. Maybe I’m using the wrong tool or setup?

I really appreciate Monday, but when it starts to get complex that’s when it becomes hard to convince people to use it.

Thanks in advance.

I was directed here by @jennap,

so here is my feedback regarding automations with Gantt subitem dependencies:
Unfortunately this feature cannot be used for planning. It is helpful when adjusting running projects but there are some huge hinderances when planning a project at the beginning with these dependency features activated:

  1. subitems are not supported in gantt and timeline views. So I cannot adjust timelines and date for subitems in these views purely because I cannot see any subitems in these views
  2. in dashboards where I CAN see subitem timelines and dates there is no immediate refresh. So when changing the timeline of a subitems that has dependent subitems only the manual change is visible all changes which occur due to the dependency-automations are only displayed after a manual refresh of the whole dashboard.

This leads to

  • dragging the first subitem to a new date
  • all other items do not change BUT in the background their dates are actually changed
  • as these changes are not displayed I manually drag the other subitems as well
  • again all dependent items change their dates in the background
  • ultimately this is a huge clusterf* when I come back to the gantt dashboard after a while and all the manual changes combined with the invisible automations are displayed.

long story short: either subitems need to be supported in gantt and/or timeline views or – even better – gantt and timeline widgets in dashboards need to be immediately refreshed automatically and display all changes via automations.

Best regards

I’m surprised why there is no update regarding this from Monday team.

I see this topic being discussed in various places and it’s a MUST HAVE thing for my team as well.
I have many board with repeating processes where I can’t automate subitems together with items.

I’m wondering if anybody has found a solution?

Hi, I don’t have a solution I’m afraid, but I think this use-case might also be helped by an alternative ‘breakdown’ view which doesn’t bother with timings. I’ve added a thread on that possibility: ‘Tree’ view: hierarchical breakdown of dependencies / subitems (bit like Org Chart) - #2 by LC-toucanBox