πŸ’‘ General Caster - Formula Tip - From Timeline to Timeline

General Caster

General Caster includes a collection of automation recipes aimed at performing enhanced calculations in monday.com without using a formula column .

Complete documentation is available here.

From Timeline to Timeline Formula

Given {item.timeline} your first Timeline column placeholder, use the following formula:

CONCATENATE(FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS(LEFT({item.timeline}, 10), 7), "YYYY-MM-DD"), ";", FORMAT_DATE (ADD_DAYS(RIGHT({item.timeline}, 10), 7), "YYYY-MM-DD"))

to update your second Timeline column with a range shifted by 7 days from first Timeline.

Hey @rob - that’s awesome! Thank you so much for sharing.


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This is a really cool app, but stopped working for me pretty soon after I installed it. Whenever I try to add a General Caster integration I just get stuck on a perpetual white page. @rob

Hey @Patrick.
Could you confirm you still get that blank page when trying to install General Caster?
In our tests, it works correctly and we received no other complaints.