I’m trying to automate my timeline. I have a start date and an end date and would like to add a timeline column and populate the information. I searched for a solution and found you can create a formula to get the duration in between the days, but I would like to have the start date and end date show in a timeline without having to manually enter each row/task.
Hi @RyanSchneider - you can use General Caster for this. There is a free tier depending on your usage as well. I would setup 2 integrations (when start date changes, or when end date changes) with the following formula:
CONCATENATE({Item's Start Date}, "+", {Item's End Date})
Then cast the result to your timeline column.
Hope this helps!
That didn’t seem to work either.
I added the general caster and created the integrations, but when I go back to the board it states that there is “automate /2” integrations. I open it up and it says “board automations / 0”…… Maybe that has something to do with it?
Hi @RyanSchneider - did you copy/paste the formula? It’s best to rebuild it in the creation window as depending on the board terminology it might be different.
Yea, but I was unsuccessful.
There seems to be a lot of automations just not the ones I need.
I’ll keep trying to find the secret sauce.
@RyanSchneider Is this the integration you are using:
I’ll give that one a try as well.
Ryan Schneider | New Store Execution Manager
1800 Blankenship Rd Suite 250 | West Linn, OR 97068
M 503.319.2375
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Welcome to the community! The app Start + End = Timeline keeps 2 dates (startand end date) in sync with a timeline column. See https://monday.com/marketplace/18
Hi, Ryan,
If you are looking for a way to automate the timeline, you can check out this app:
Best regards,