Having an issue with creating a query to add an item and populate values for each column (C#)

string strQuery = @"{""query"": ""mutation {create_item (board_id: REPLACEBOARDID, item_name: \""REPLACEITEMNAME\"", column_values: \""{ \\\""InvoiceDate\\\"":\\\""REPLACEINVOICEDATE\\\"",\\\""InvoiceAmount\\\"":\\\""REPLACEINVOICEAMOUNT\\\"",\\\""InvoiceCost\\\"":\\\""REPLACEINVOICECOST\\\"" }\"") { id} }"" }";

strQuery = strQuery.Replace("REPLACEBOARDID", boardId);
strQuery = strQuery.Replace("REPLACEITEMNAME", invoice.InvoiceNumber);
strQuery = strQuery.Replace("REPLACEINVOICEDATE", invoice.InvoiceDate);
strQuery = strQuery.Replace("REPLACEINVOICEAMOUNT", invoice.InvoiceProfitAmount.ToString());
strQuery = strQuery.Replace("REPLACEINVOICECOST", invoice.InvoiceCost.ToString());

string response = service.GetResponseData(strQuery);
dynamic data = service.ParseGraphQLResponse(response);

Which results in the item being added but the column values are not updated. As stated in the title, I am trying to create a query that adds items to a board with the column values filled. I am struggling greatly with getting the query to work…

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