How can I calculate growth (percentage change) between rows in

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to calculate the growth between rows in, but I’ve run into a challenge. My “People” column is already a Formula column, and I want to calculate the growth (percentage change) from one row to the next down the column.

Since doesn’t allow referencing specific rows (like the row above or below), I’m not sure how to set up a formula to do this.

Does anyone have a workaround or a creative solution for calculating row-to-row growth when using a Formula column? Or is there an integration or automation I could use for this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Hammad,

The 3rd-party app called the Advanced Formula Booster can do this.

Here is an example of cascading values between items.

The best way is to start is to install the product (see the 1st video at the bottom of Once you have access to the app, you can open a ticket in our in-app ticket system, should you need help or orientation.