Hi, Im trying to get the contents of a MONDAY_DOC through the monday api.
When querying for an element with a doc in a monday workdoc column the response contains the workdoc as:
{'id': 'meeting_notes',
'text': 'https://xxx.monday.com/docs/4215703239',
'title': 'Descripccion',
'value': '{"files":[{"name":"Descripccion","fileId":"3267629f-3238-5671-0ab3-96151724245f","isImage":"false","fileType":"MONDAY_DOC","objectId":4215703239,"createdAt":1680010727352,"createdBy":"12345678","linkToFile":"https://xxx.monday.com/docs/4215703239"}]}'}
yet when I try to use the objectID on the docs query { docs (ids:4215703239) { id object_id blocks { id type content } } } it returns an empty list of docs, but when crating the workdoc on the monday dashboard it displays a diferent document id wich will return the contents of the doc properly.
How can I get this id from the API ?