Include monday doc content in search

I would suggest that “Search everything” also search content from Monday docs.
I was trying to create an activity dashboard with certain notes to be added.
It would be imperative that the search could track those notes in an easy-to-read text format.
We found that Monday docs would suite are needs, until we realized that search everything does not actually search everything, including the content of Monday docs :frowning:

There’s another longer thread on this topic. Search also doesn’t search mirrored columns, which is extremely inconvenient.

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there is search function within board, and also a search function for the entire workspace. but there isn’t a search function to search within monday_docs.
monday_docs is super useful for jotting notes, meeting minutes but things could get quite lengthy overtime.
could you introduce this new feature for monday_docs please.

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We are also super interested into the ability to do search of various or project specific Monday_Doc content.

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Same! I actually came over to the community here looking for this exact topic.

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Why is it called “search everything” if I can’t search docs… We have been taking extensive meeting notes in docs now just went to try to find a reference to something AND SEARCH DOESN’T WORK. That basically makes docs unusable. What the hell guys?

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Agree that this is a much-needed feature. Here is a thread with more people requesting the same feature Search results include contents of Monday Docs

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It would be great to be able to search contents of native Monday docs.

+1. This would be a game changer as it would allow us to drop confluence - which is the only reason we’re hanging on to attlassian as well for now. Can someone from Monday let us know if this on a roadmap and if so when can we realistically expect it?


I would like to add to this, right now you cannot even search a docs name and find the doc in a file column and you can only find the doc based on the name of the pulse.
PS add search to the board level as well as global, it will really help to focus results and most people know what board they want to search on


Here to echo the potential of workdocs as a wiki solution if they were searchable. And also able to be organized more than one folder deep, but that is a different request.


We completely agree. We actually changed to Monday because of the new feature of the doc and the potential to use them as a internal and external wiki. Cross doc internal content indexing and search will be a game changer in that regard. Is there any plan to implement that in the future ?


agreed - given how robust Monday’s search is in general I was shocked to discover it’s not searching workdocs. Giant bummer - crossing fingers this is in the works given this is such a new feature.


Unusable until you can search docs. Strange omission…


Why is it called “search everything” if I can’t search docs… We have been taking extensive meeting notes in docs now just went to try to find a reference to something AND SEARCH DOESN’T WORK. That basically makes docs unusable. What the heck guys?

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I spoke to some folks at Monday recently about workdocs limitations and was told searching is on the roadmap but no specific timeframe, sounded like it might be late in the year if anything. But fwiw, they are aware of it. Unclear why it wasn’t done in the first place other than the usual fast-growing-building-without-a-plan startup thing…

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Pretty important stuff, when you have millions of documents you want your team members to be able to find them easily


Pinging the thread as well - this is SUPER important for a lot of clients. And one of those things that we expected to work!

Can the Monday group speak to this? Any updates? Plans? ETA?


Search results also don’t include mirrored columns, which is extremely inconvenient as they’re a way to tie together multiple boards that share the same data. I just want Search Everything to search everything!

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Adding to the need here. We’re ready to drop our other notetaking tool, but can’t until Monday’s workdocs are searchable.

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