I need to execute performance tests for an App residing on top of Monday


As developers, we are building an App to be part of the Monday’s Marketplace. We found some performance requirements to be answered. We suspect that some questions can be answered by a performance test. The App is entirely built on Monday, no external services or servers. Have anyone conducted a performance test before or knows how to proceed? Thanks a lot!!

Hi @Jack69!

What kind of performance requirements are you looking to meet?

Hi Alessandra

We want to test the limits of our code execution when working with 1000, 2000, or 3000 boards, massive users, or items. And we wanted to know if there is a way to work inside monday.com with mock data like this.

Our App uses data from Monday to generate reports and manage information. We want to see what happens when we reach the limit allowed by Monday.


Hello @Jack69!

We do not have mock boards or accounts. It would mean manual work, but you can always create your own boards with a few thousand items and test your app with them. Are there any limitations you would need to change for it?
