Introducing...the funnel widget!

:rotating_light: Attention CRM product lovers :rotating_light:

Have you been struggling to figure out how you can accurately measure those lead-to-sales conversions? Well we’ve got some good news for you…

Introducing :bar_chart: The Funnel Widget :bar_chart:

The funnel widget has been implemented to read status column transitions from the activity log. The widget will read the current state of the chosen status column in the board.

Take a look at our short screen-recording to see how it works:

It’s a simply as that!

  • Seamlessly measure successful and unsuccessful conversions based on the current lead status.
  • Drill down data to identify pain points and improve on your campaign strategy.

:speaking_head: It’s important to note that this feature is currently in gradual release and will temporarily remain in Beta as our team ensures it’s working at the highest standard!

We’d love to hear if this is a feature you have been waiting for? How are you looking to utilise our funnel widget?

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