Labels on Summaries

Hi. I am using subitem status columns. I have them summarized on the parent rows. However, some of the status labels (example Gray “Not Started” vs Gray blank) are showing and some are not. Any idea why?

Hey Tami! I just want to make sure I understand correctly. You’re wondering why for the subitem column roll-up on the parent item, some items show as a blank gray, while others show the “Not Started” text?

When you roll up a subitem column, it will display the sum of the data within that column. In your case, the column appears gray when there are multiple subitems with the gray label, and the text only shows up when there is just one subitem with that label. Does that address your question?

It does. But I was expecting the item with two subitems to still display “Not Started” since the subitems had the same status. I could see it being blank if they had differences. Thank you for explaining!