Limit size/view of groups to a certain number of items

How do I limit the number of items visible in a group? If my group has hundreds of items and I have a few other groups with hundreds of items how can i condense everything to possibly 10 items visible? and then scroll with in to view the others

Hi @dfurt :wave:

Great question! I’m afraid we don’t currently have a specific feature that will limit the number of items in a group that can be seen.
That said, if you find the board is becoming unwieldy, we do have a couple of available options that you might like to try:

  1. Collapsing your groups:
    You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + G to collapse or expand all groups on the board.
    You can then expand the specific group you need.
    You can also use the down arrow next to the group name to collapse one group.

  1. Filter the board to show the most relevant information

You can use quick filters or rule based filters to limit the board to the most useful information.
I’d recommend taking a look at this article for more details: The Board Filters

I can definitely appreciate how having a feature to limit the viewable items per group would be a useful addition to the platform for yourself, and I’m sure for other teams too, so I would highly recommend opening a thread in our Feature Request section.
Here other users who would also like this added to the platform will be able to upvote the feature!
You can find this here: Submit an Idea - monday Community Forum

I hope this helps! Remember to mark as solved if this answers your question :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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