Links cannot be clicked on the desktop app

Just found today that I cannot click links anymore using the desktop app (on Mac). It happens on two different machines. Does anybody else have the same problem?

Links still work in the browser, fortunately, but I use the desktop app exclusively.

Support is terrible. First I had to field a series of stupid questions from a bot, then more or less the same from a human.

So far the official line from Monday is that links in the desktop app should not clickable and never were. I’ve been clicking on them for more than 2 years!

I can’t wait to get out of this software. Unfortunately I’m stuck until the projects that are in there are finished.

I wonder if I’m the only user that’s using the desktop app? :smiley:

I also have this same question and I cannot find any proper answers !

I found a great workaround if you use Mac. You can create a “web app” from Safari in File > Add to dock and it works just like the standalone app, without the bugs :slight_smile: