Message trigger output does not contain actual data

I am trying to create a custom recipe that accepts a message as part of the user input. When I receive the event on my server, it looks like this:

  payload: {                                          
    blockMetadata: null,                              
    inboundFieldValues: {                             
      boardId: 700512087,                             
      itemId: 700512094,                     
      message: 'Here is the update: {pulse.text} {}{}{}{}{pulse.person}{pulse.status}{pulse.date4}'                       
    inputFields: {                                    
      boardId: 700512087,                             
      itemId: 700512094,                     
      message: 'Here is the update: {pulse.text} {}{}{}{}{pulse.person}{pulse.status}{pulse.date4}'                       

As you can see, the column values are not actually sending as part of the payload, only the column ids.

In the UI when creating the recipe, I added the auto-populate values, and it looks like this:

Is this normal behavior?

Hey Jasper! Welcome to our community.

Yes, that’s correct – at the moment messages won’t be sent to your app with these fields populated. However, your app can use them as placeholders and populate the data when the action runs via an API call.

The fields are structured as such:

  • = the item’s name
  • item.columnId = data from the column whose ID is “columnId”
  • = the name of the user
  • = the name of the board.

I hope that helps!

Interesting. Ok thanks for the confirmation here. I was at a loss for a while.