My item hour field data from my board doesn't match the API call result (hour difference)

Hello there!

I use to call, for months now, the hours and date of my items in order to send email to clients.

However, for 3 days now, the hours in the date field VS the hours get with the API call are not matching. There is a +1 hour difference.

Here we can read:

  • In Monday: May 2, 11:00am (don’t care of the minutes)

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 00.50.54

  • In the call : May 2, 9:00am (UTC) - so, May 2, 11:00am (Paris Time)
    Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 00.48.28

We have 11am on both side

We can read:

  • In Monday: May 5, 9:00am

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 00.52.53

  • In the call : May 5, 7:00am (UTC) May 5, 10:00am (Paris Time)
    Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 00.53.08

We have 9am on one side, and 10am on the other

I’ve check my time zone parameters :

  • My Monday is on the Paris Time Zone, and hasn’t been changed
    Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 01.11.01

  • My API call (with Make), is also in Paris Time Zone
    Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 01.11.41

How can you help?
Thank you very much

Hey when you upload date from monday with date and time its taken as UTC date and time zone you are one hour ahead so when you upload it assumes that as utc time and give you error. So what you haev to do is combine the date and time in your timezone convert it to UTC time and then whatever date and time you get send that to